- “Thousands of ‘tasteful’ banana items” being auctioned on eBay. http://bit.ly/digU8j (Not by us.) #
- “Thinking about the role of objects in fiction; how they carry meaning for the story.” http://bit.ly/da3wSS #
- “Products that have a story to tell.” Compares S.O. to Bobsmade, and Nike PhotoID. http://bit.ly/aLlOBI #
- Really great @studio360show piece with Rick and Megan Prelinger, about their awesome library. http://bit.ly/dykUq #
- Readymades auctioned for Haiti? Artists “invited to sign & donate tools from studio, personally significant objects.” http://bit.ly/bvrrP0 #
- Thanks for these shout outs from Washington U. Writers (http://bit.ly/duKsz1) and Felt & Wire (http://bit.ly/dvI6Na) #
- “The experiment itself might be the real story that people are connecting with.” could be! http://bit.ly/bRmR9u #
- Chicago Trib on virtual museums, includes our friend @coudal. http://bit.ly/dAA5xL #
- Criminal defense lawyer blog on S.O., and “selling your client” to judge, jury etc. http://bit.ly/bCKqjZ #
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