Mule Figurine with story by Matthew Sharpe, in its new home
Aggregate cost of objects, sold so far: $29.01
Aggregate sales, post-Significance: $462.33
Coming up this week: Objects with stories by Glen David Gold, Sarah Rainone, Ed Park, and more.
Still on auction: Time is running out on Popsicle Stick Construction with story by Sara Ryan, which over the weekend popped up to $15.50. Meanwhile, the bidding on Metal Boot with story by Bruce Sterling has reached $86 with several days to go, surpassing the record set only days ago by Duck Tray with story story Stewart O’Nan, which went for $71. More in our eBay shop.
Recent reactions from elsewhere: S.O. contributor Sara Ryan teases her fans with just a little more information about where here character Anne Cole will pop up again. “DC Books Examiner” Jennifer Wilson assesses the project at Examiner.com. Buried Treasure has S.O.-inspired writer advice here. Nice writeup over on The Daily Grommet. Interesting blog A Storied Career has thoughts here. Cognitive Design checks in here. Shout-out from the newly redesigned Printmag.com. Writeup on Hayden’s Ferry Review here. Blog Toxic Culture chimes in here.
Keep up & participate: Get a Significant Object story by email daily, here. Follow on Twitter: @SignificObs. Remember: If you like the project, support these authors by making bids, telling friends and fans and followers and strangers and media contacts, or all of the above. We cannot do this without you!
Thanks, and enjoy the stories …
Makes me happy to see an object in its new home — I hope more winning bidders will send us photos like this one.
PS: The Meat Thermometer about which Nicholson Baker writes, in today’s post, is already up to $26.