Object No. 4 of 50 — Significant Objects v2
[The auction for this Significant Object, with story by Amy Fusselman, has ended. Original price: $3. Final price: $13.50. Significant Objects will donate the proceeds of this auction to 826 National.]
Hey Snit —
Guess what I found, the tiny carpet of wooden balls!
It was in her linen closet, wrapped in a couple of those tea towels with the bluebirds on them.
You remember this, right? When she was trying to improve our “perceptions”? And we stood on the floor in the kitchen and held carrot sticks in our hands and told her what they felt like and then we stood on the tiny carpet of wooden balls on the same floor and felt the same carrot sticks and told her what they felt like then, and she wrote it all down?
Pab and I are looking for the notebook she wrote it all down in, but nothing yet.
I also found another one of her “magickal” items — the pillow of nails. It was wrapped in a Pucci beach towel in the same closet. I have attached a pic if you don’t remember.
I want the Pucci beach towel. The pillow of nails you can have if you want.
Hope you feel better, let me know…

"Pillow of Nails," according to A. (Not included in auction. Sorry.)