A highlight of the first volume of Significant Objects was our collaboration with cartoonist James Sturm and his students at White River Junction, Vermont’s Center for Cartoon Studies. Rob and I loved the cartoons by Betsey Swardlick, Nomi Kane, and Josh Kramer.
So I thought I’d point out that Sturm has started a new project, reporting to Slate.com in cartoon format about a four-month-long effort to stay offline. He’s not going to use the Internet or email during that period, because:

Reactions to his plan, says Sturm, mostly aren’t positive:

Godspeed, James! I’ll be following your adventures on Slate.
Joshua Glenn is an editor, publisher, and a freelance writer and semiologist. He does business as KING MIXER, LLC.
He's cofounder of the websites
Significant Objects, and
Semionaut; and cofounder of
HiLoBooks, which will reissue six Radium Age sci fi novels in 2012. In 2011, he produced and co-designed the
iPhone app KER-PUNCH. He's coauthored and co-edited
Taking Things Seriously,
The Idler's Glossary,
The Wage Slave's Glossary, the story collection
Significant Objects (forthcoming from Fantagraphics), and Unbored, a kids' field guide to life forthcoming from Bloomsbury.
In the '00s, Glenn was an associate editor and columnist at the
Boston Globe's IDEAS section; he also started the IDEAS blog
Brainiac. He has written for
The Baffler,
Feed, and
The Idler.
In the '90s, Glenn published the seminal intellectual zine
Hermenaut; served as editorial director and co-producer of the pioneering DIY and online social networking website Tripod.com; and was an editor at the magazine
Utne Reader.
Glenn manages the
Hermenautic Circle, a secretive online community. He was born and raised in Boston, where he lives with his wife and sons.
Click here for more info.