- Rachel Axler (@rachelaxler)’s play SMUDGE, which enjoyed its off-Broadway premiere this past January, was just published by Samuel French. http://bit.ly/bqwJlS #
- NPR story on unpublished Kafka (http://n.pr/de0hbT) misses Monkey Puppet angle. Dara Horn story: http://bit.ly/afuxj2 #
- Not speaking Italian, must take Camilla’s word that show “has a lot to do with S.O. Title: Every Story Has a Price.” http://bit.ly/c5g3qD #
- The Lit Mag Adoption Program for Creative Writing Students: Our friends at @onestorymag and @ElectricLit are in on it: http://bit.ly/bU9EfQ #
- Matt Brown’s latest “design fiction”: http://bit.ly/dCe6bC. He’s an official Core77 columnist now. So handsome: http://bit.ly/bfoq8E #
- Item from @latimesbooks about FSG’s site about its authors’ “work in progress.” http://bit.ly/aV1GrS #
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