Aggregate cost of objects, sold so far: $40
Aggregate sales, post-Significance: $675.65
Coming up this week: Objects with stories by Nathaniel Rich, Sarah Weinman, Kevin Brockmeier, and more.
Still on auction: Time is running out on Meat Thermometer with story by Nicholson Baker. The bargain of the moment is Ireland Cow Plate with story by Sarah Rainone. More in our eBay shop.
Recent reactions from elsewhere: The Toronto Globe & Mail wrote about the project, even interviewing a writer and a buyer, here. The Independent assesses the project entertainingly, here. FuzzyCo offered the drawing at right. I’m A Dreamer ponders using S.O. in the classroom here. If we missed your take, let us know in the comments.
Keep up & participate: Get a Significant Object story by email daily, here. Follow on Twitter: @SignificObs. Remember: If you like the project, support these authors by making bids, telling friends and fans and followers and strangers and media contacts, or all of the above. We cannot do this without you!
Thanks, and enjoy the stories …