This awesome illustration by Noma Bar has nothing to do with our event. But isn't it great? Click to enjoy more of Bar's impressive work.
The first-ever Significant Objects live event, part of Litquake in San Francisco, will of course include fantastic all-new stories, read live by five of our esteemed contributors, breathing fresh Significance into a new batch of objects hand-picked by this project’s curators. But there’s something else too: YOUR chance to invent Significance, and convert a worthless doodad into a valuable object with the power of your narrative-making imagination.
Here’s what will happen.
1. You will attend the event.
2. You will sign up there to participate in the Object Slam. (Get there early for this — there will be a limit.)
3. Beth Lisick, Rob Baedeker, Miranda Mellis, Chris Colin, and Katie Williams will entertain you with extraordinary stories inspired by unremarkable things.
4. And then, as if that weren’t already a finer evening than any other object-focused literary publication would dare to offer … THE ‘OBJECT SLAM’ OBJECT WILL BE REVEALED.

What could it be??
5. There will be an intermission, during which YOU, the Object Slam participant, write a story about that thing on the spot, perhaps writing in your Moleskine notebook, or using some kind of fancy iPad interface.
6. You and other participants will then take the stage (one at a time, please) to read your flash-fiction creations.
7. The BEST STORY, chosen by our panel of writers, in consultation with the audience, will be published here, on SignificantObjects.com, putting you in the company of the many fine storytellers we’ve published in the past.
What will the “Object Slam Object” be?
There is only way to find out.
COME TO OUR EVENT: October 9th, from 6-7 p.m.: An Evening of Remarkable Stories about Unremarkable Things featuring Rob Baedeker, Chris Colin, Miranda Mellis, Beth Lisick, and Katie Wiliams. PLUS: the first-ever Object Slam. Map to Venue. Confirm your attendance on Facebook!
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