Behind the scenes at Significant Objects, heated debates shaped the table recently presented here, sorting each object into a specific primary category, by function. Among the most controversial objects: nutcrackers.
In the table, the two nutcrackers that were part of S.O. V1 (Santa Nutcracker with Story By Kurt Andersen, and Nutcracker With Troll Hair (or Something) with Story by Adam Davies) were each tagged “houseware.” The other possibility: Novelty Item. After all: Who actually uses a nutcracker these days?
Did we make the right call? Is one a novelty, the other houseware? You are invited to cast your vote here:

NOVELTY was winning yesterday, but HOUSEWARE is making a comeback now.
I meant to vote the Santa nutcracker as houseware, but managed to mess that up (somehow, I managed to successfully vote the Troll as a novelty). Mostly because Santa looks like he was crafted for the ages, while Troll looks like he’d fall apart after one green walnut.
I just thought I’d put it out there, because with such a small sample size, one vote could make all the difference…
Novelty looks to be the winner — but not by enough to overrule, I don’t think. It’s fairly close.